Catholic and French Forever : Religious and National Identity in Modern France (2005).
Chap. 2
P. 65, line 8: “any” should read “as.”
Chap. 5
P. 142, caption: “Font Renou” should read “Font-Romeu.”
Part III (Introduction)
P. 152, lines 16-17: “two hundred” should read “one hundred.”
Chap. 7
P. 179, line 1: “1956" should read “1954.”
P. 275: “names, adoptino” should read “names, adopting.”
p. 214, lines 22-23: “Henri de Lubac (at the end of his life, a cardinal) and Yves de Moncheuil” should read “Henri de Lubac (at the end of his life, a cardinal).”
Priests of the French Revolution: Saints and Renegades in a New Political Era (2014).
Chap. 1
P. 26, figure 4, line 6: “be appropriately captioned with these verses, but for that occasion Grégoire wore his bishop’s regalia” should read “”be appropriately captioned with these verses.”
Chap. 6
p. 100, line 7. “Continental Congress” should read “Constitutional Convention.”
P. 105, figure 19, line 5: “figure labeled ‘14’” should read “figure labeled ‘12’.”
p. 109, line 19. “Committee of Public Safety” should read “Comité de Salut Public.” [For all other government comités I have retained the French title].
Chap. 7
P. 146, figure 25, line 3: “abdicating priests as a formal renunciation of the priestly vocation” should read “abdicating priests, who had excised all decorative illumination, as a formal renunciation of the priestly vocation.”
Chap. 9
P. 179, line 1: “trying to do, who will not have the same interest in supporting” should read “trying to do, and will not have the same interest in supporting.”
Chap. 10
P. 227, line 17: “Boudon notes” should read “Jacques-Olivier Boudon notes.”